Shaun Space Crits/More Abstract Work
Recently my work has been shown as part of a crit within the Shaun Space at University of Sunderland. What I presented was an acrylic painting on wooden board which experimented with gestural mark making influenced by Franz Kline and Willem De Kooning. Lothar Goetz (tutor) along with other students analysed my work and overall criticism was good, but I feel in future should be more adventurous with materials and make a larger series of varied work based around this concept. (My work from this crit shown below)

As part of other crits held on Thursday's at the university, I along with other students have also had the chance to analyse the work of others. Below is an example of the work from others from these crits.

As well as further experimentation with paint, I have also been creating more abstract drawings and editing these using simple image manipulation software. In order to experiment with more modern digital media as well as traditional painting materials, to further explore how I can create abstract images. The compositions are similar to previous Pollock influenced 'all over' compositions. Examples of these drawings and edited versions can be seen below.