More Illustration/abstract work/Shaun Crit
I have recently created more illustration designs similar to the original designs of William Burroughs. I have chose random figures from past history based on photos that interested me, that could be turned into illustrations/traced. These illustrations could then be editied, creating stylized images of the individuals they show. Creating an image which has more energy and bold use of color than a standard photograph. There is also a 'human touch' to the work by the use of hand drawn lines/shaded area. Which along with possible use of text, aims to expand on the standard well known photograph of the individual. Example of these illustrations, edits and designs can be seen below.

The Images below also are from a Shaun crit were I showed some of these designs and discussed the work of others. Also in the Shaun crit along with some of my illustrations were large peices, which were 'scribble' compositions on a larger scale. One on canvas combines with gestural marks, one on sheet metal with an all over composition.

Shown below is also work from Eleanor Murley and Lauren Smith.

The above worked was also discussed as part of the crit, I especially liked Lauren Smith's work (shown above), of a dystopian santa claus. The use of colour and composition was also interesting, the composition is uneasy and cold, also is the use of colour. Adding to the general uneasy, dystopian feel of the image.